

About Me

My favorite color is green, and occasionally pink. I am a compulsive list maker, and I color code everything. I swear, I could live at Target. I'm a perfectionist. I have a thing for office supplies. I believe everything happens for a reason. I could eat 13 crunchwrap supremes from Taco Bell each day, at least. I still sleep with a stuffed animal I've had since I was 6. Well, I did. Until my husband took its place.

I'm particularly fond of: all things Michigan State, The Bachelor (Only to make fun of it, I swear.), making up ridiculous nicknames for my husband, being married to said husband, burying my head in a book, and DIY-anything.

I love to travel... I sat face to face with a wild African Elephant, looked for Nessie, ate snails, climbed a mountain, rappelled down a waterfall, tasted wine in France, rode a gondola at sunset, and swam in the Indian Ocean. I taught orphans in Tanzania and I'm forever changed. I mind the gap. I've seen the world's largest cuckoo clock. It wasn't that big.

I love flip flops and I hate winter coats. I live in hooded sweatshirts. I want to leave my mark. I have a list of things I WILL do in my lifetime. Ask me what's on it.

About the Blog

Shortly after Joey and I tied the knot, we read a book called The Most Important Year of a Woman's Life/The Most Important Year of a Man's Life. Sounds like an awkward title, but its because half of the book is written for the wifey, and then when you flip the book upside down and turn it over, the other half is written for hubs. Fancy, I know. But that's not the important part. There's a quote from the book has stuck with me ever since we read it...
“The early investment in building an exceptional marriage costs a fraction of what it will take to keep a lousy one on life support... There is—and should be—something undeniably different about the first year of marriage.”
I started this blog to document our life with this focus - building an exceptional marriage. I imagine this blog will be filled with anything and everything - the food we eat, the books we read, the movies we watch, the trips we take, the lessons we learn, the ins, the outs, the ups, the downs - the variety of it all. Lots of pictures, plenty of sarcasm, and maybe, just maybe, something worth reading from time to time. Because after all, variety is the spice of life.


  1. Such a cute blog! I'm already excited to read about all of your travels and first year or marriage-it is truly an important one-).
    You can check out that sermon at:

    So blessed that you stopped by my blog...look forward to following along!

  2. Cute blog!!!

    I am following you from GFC hop! I look forward to reading and exploring more. Stop by and return the follow when you can ;)
